Intuitive Thermal Comfort Controller

Guaranteeing an optimal level of thermal comfort can increase productivity and quality of life. ‘THERCOM’ project will facilitate the development of a new paradigm in indoor climate control to ensure optimal thermal comfort. The control development will focus on three characteristics: improving user experience, increasing energy efficiency and consistency with the technological revolution.

‘THERCOM’ will offer an innovative user experience by implementing intuitive interaction between the occupant and the controller. The controller will apply thermal comfort theory and, based on the European and UK standards, bring an improvement to the user experience. ‘THERCOM’ will be the first controller to directly relate to the user experience and the environment, providing consumers with a unique control. The controller will optimize the expediency of most of the room users: no other controller in the marker is able to adjust the setpoints to optimize the general thermal comfort level of the room.

Increasing energy efficiency is one of the principal objectives of our society to decrease the negative impacts on the environment. ‘THERCOM’ will generate the opportunity to increase thermal comfort and optimise energy consumption. Internet of Things offers for the first time in human history the opportunity to provide ‘intelligence’ to objects. The new technologies try to improve the human quality of life, and thermal comfort is one area with immense potential to apply ‘smart’ controllers. Using the theoretical knowledge of thermal comfort, empirical data, international standards, and innovative hardware, ‘THERCOM’ project seeks to create a new paradigm in the indoor climate controller world, based on people, and adapting to personal prophecies, the human being has to be the focus of the advances that seek to reach net zero because it is the humans who consume the energy.

Motivated people are the most powerful force in the world. ‘THERCOM’ is able to motivate people to reduce their energy consumption through competition, rewards, feedback, and other gamification concepts, utilising all the power of motivated people. With this in mind, the possible positive impacts of this project are immense.

Bridging the Gap: Innovations in Building Information Modelling (BIM) for Seamless Construction

In the dynamic landscape of construction, efficiency isn’t just a desirable trait; it’s a fundamental necessity. In recent years, the construction industry has undergone a profound transformation with the advent of Building Information Modelling (BIM). This digital revolution has redefined the way construction projects are conceived, designed, and executed, ushering in an era of enhanced efficiency and productivity. However, as technology continues to evolve, innovative approaches to BIM are continually emerging, promising even greater efficiency gains and transformative outcomes.

At its core, BIM is a collaborative process that involves creating and managing digital representations of physical and functional characteristics of places. It allows stakeholders to visualise and simulate the entire construction project lifecycle, from initial planning and design to construction and operation, in a virtual environment. By facilitating seamless coordination and communication among various project stakeholders, BIM streamlines workflows, minimises errors, and maximises efficiency throughout the construction process.

So, what are some of the innovative approaches reshaping the landscape of BIM and driving enhanced efficiency in construction projects?

  • Cloud-Based Collaboration: Traditional BIM software often relies on localised computing resources, limiting accessibility and collaboration. However, cloud-based BIM platforms transcend these limitations by providing a centralised repository for project data that can be accessed and edited in real-time by multiple stakeholders from anywhere with an internet connection. This approach fosters seamless collaboration, improves communication, and accelerates decision-making, ultimately enhancing project efficiency.
  • Advanced Visualisation Technologies: Integrating BIM with emerging visualisation technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) offers new avenues for design comprehension and decision-making. AR overlays digital information onto the physical environment, allowing stakeholders to visualise BIM models in real-world contexts, while VR immerses users in virtual environments, enabling immersive design reviews and on-site simulations. By enhancing visualisation and spatial understanding, these technologies optimise design workflows and improve construction efficiency.
  • Parametric Design Optimisation: Parametric design tools enable architects and engineers to create intelligent, data-driven BIM models that respond dynamically to design parameters and constraints. By establishing relationships between model elements, parametric BIM allows for rapid iteration and optimisation of design alternatives, leading to more efficient and sustainable outcomes. This approach empowers designers to explore complex design spaces, optimise performance, and achieve greater efficiency in their projects.
  • AI-Powered Automation: Leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms, BIM software can automate repetitive tasks and optimise complex workflows. From automated clash detection and resolution to predictive analytics for construction scheduling and cost estimation, AI-driven BIM solutions enhance efficiency by reducing manual labour, minimising errors, and accelerating project delivery. By harnessing the power of AI, construction professionals can streamline processes and unlock new levels of efficiency in their projects.
  • Integration with IoT and Sensor Data: The Internet of Things (IoT) and sensor technologies play a crucial role in collecting real-time data on building performance and environmental conditions. By integrating IoT data with BIM models, stakeholders gain valuable insights into energy usage, occupancy patterns, and building health, enabling proactive maintenance and performance optimisation. This data-driven approach enhances efficiency, improves building sustainability, and informs data-driven decision-making throughout the building lifecycle.

In conclusion, innovative approaches to Building Information Modelling (BIM) are reshaping the construction industry, driving enhanced efficiency and productivity. By embracing cloud-based collaboration, advanced visualisation technologies, parametric design optimisation, AI-powered automation, and integration with IoT and sensor data, construction professionals can unlock new possibilities for efficiency gains and transformative outcomes. As technology continues to evolve, the future of construction looks increasingly promising, with BIM at the forefront of innovation and progress.

Through our commitment to research and innovation, at V-LAB, we’re actively driving the adoption of innovative BIM solutions to enhance efficiency, sustainability, and productivity in construction projects. Leveraging our expertise in Digital Twins, IoT, AI, and BIM, we’re at the forefront of technological innovation in the construction industry. Collaborating with industry partners and utilising our interdisciplinary team of experts, we’re shaping the future of construction, one BIM model at a time.


For media inquiries, please contact:

Ayesha Ikram
Communications Associate

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