Intuitive Thermal Comfort Controller

Guaranteeing an optimal level of thermal comfort can increase productivity and quality of life. ‘THERCOM’ project will facilitate the development of a new paradigm in indoor climate control to ensure optimal thermal comfort. The control development will focus on three characteristics: improving user experience, increasing energy efficiency and consistency with the technological revolution.

‘THERCOM’ will offer an innovative user experience by implementing intuitive interaction between the occupant and the controller. The controller will apply thermal comfort theory and, based on the European and UK standards, bring an improvement to the user experience. ‘THERCOM’ will be the first controller to directly relate to the user experience and the environment, providing consumers with a unique control. The controller will optimize the expediency of most of the room users: no other controller in the marker is able to adjust the setpoints to optimize the general thermal comfort level of the room.

Increasing energy efficiency is one of the principal objectives of our society to decrease the negative impacts on the environment. ‘THERCOM’ will generate the opportunity to increase thermal comfort and optimise energy consumption. Internet of Things offers for the first time in human history the opportunity to provide ‘intelligence’ to objects. The new technologies try to improve the human quality of life, and thermal comfort is one area with immense potential to apply ‘smart’ controllers. Using the theoretical knowledge of thermal comfort, empirical data, international standards, and innovative hardware, ‘THERCOM’ project seeks to create a new paradigm in the indoor climate controller world, based on people, and adapting to personal prophecies, the human being has to be the focus of the advances that seek to reach net zero because it is the humans who consume the energy.

Motivated people are the most powerful force in the world. ‘THERCOM’ is able to motivate people to reduce their energy consumption through competition, rewards, feedback, and other gamification concepts, utilising all the power of motivated people. With this in mind, the possible positive impacts of this project are immense.

Powering the Future: Renewable Energy and Our Innovations at V-LAB

In the face of climate change and diminishing fossil fuel reserves, the pursuit of sustainable energy sources has intensified. Renewable energy stands as a beacon of hope, offering a clean and abundant alternative to traditional fuels. But what exactly is renewable energy, and how do we at V-LAB contribute to its harnessing for a brighter tomorrow?

Renewable energy is derived from natural resources replenished on a human timescale. These sources include sunlight, wind, water, biomass, and geothermal heat. Unlike fossil fuels, which are finite and contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, renewable energy sources offer a clean and inexhaustible solution to our energy needs.

Solar energy, for instance, is captured using photovoltaic cells or solar panels, converting sunlight into electricity. The UK, with its increasing investment in solar technology, has witnessed a surge in solar installations across the country, from residential rooftops to vast solar farms.

Wind power is another crucial component of the renewable energy landscape. Wind turbines harness the kinetic energy of the wind and convert it into electricity. The UK’s windy coastal regions have become prime locations for wind farms, generating significant amounts of clean energy to power homes and businesses.

Hydropower, derived from the flow of water in rivers and dams, has long been a staple of renewable energy production. In the UK, hydroelectric plants contribute to the energy mix, providing a reliable source of electricity while minimizing environmental impact.

Biomass energy utilises organic materials such as wood, agricultural residues, and waste to produce heat and electricity. By tapping into these abundant resources, the UK is reducing its reliance on fossil fuels and lowering carbon emissions.

Geothermal energy, though less prominent in the UK, holds promise for sustainable heating and power generation. By tapping into the heat stored beneath the Earth’s surface, geothermal technology offers a continuous and reliable source of energy.

V-LAB’s Role in Renewable Energy

At V-LAB, founded in 2020, we are a smart engineering technology and energy consultancy focused on sustainable innovation. We work across various areas associated with energy efficiency, carbon neutrality, and clean technology, driven by our mission to further mankind’s development through innovation.

Our interdisciplinary team of experts, with their technical prowess and entrepreneurial spirit, spearhead the development of renewable energy solutions. We collaborate closely with companies, community energy groups, and organisations to implement and test innovative technologies.

By leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Digital Twins, and Internet of Things, V-LAB is revolutionising the way we harness renewable energy. Through our work, we aim not only to reduce carbon emissions but also to create opportunities for sustainable energy production on a global scale.

In conclusion, renewable energy, coupled with the innovations pioneered by V-LAB, holds the key to a sustainable and resilient future. By harnessing the power of nature’s resources and embracing technological advancements, we are paving the way towards a world powered by clean, renewable energy for generations to come.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Ayesha Ikram
Communications Associate

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