Intuitive Thermal Comfort Controller

Guaranteeing an optimal level of thermal comfort can increase productivity and quality of life. ‘THERCOM’ project will facilitate the development of a new paradigm in indoor climate control to ensure optimal thermal comfort. The control development will focus on three characteristics: improving user experience, increasing energy efficiency and consistency with the technological revolution.

‘THERCOM’ will offer an innovative user experience by implementing intuitive interaction between the occupant and the controller. The controller will apply thermal comfort theory and, based on the European and UK standards, bring an improvement to the user experience. ‘THERCOM’ will be the first controller to directly relate to the user experience and the environment, providing consumers with a unique control. The controller will optimize the expediency of most of the room users: no other controller in the marker is able to adjust the setpoints to optimize the general thermal comfort level of the room.

Increasing energy efficiency is one of the principal objectives of our society to decrease the negative impacts on the environment. ‘THERCOM’ will generate the opportunity to increase thermal comfort and optimise energy consumption. Internet of Things offers for the first time in human history the opportunity to provide ‘intelligence’ to objects. The new technologies try to improve the human quality of life, and thermal comfort is one area with immense potential to apply ‘smart’ controllers. Using the theoretical knowledge of thermal comfort, empirical data, international standards, and innovative hardware, ‘THERCOM’ project seeks to create a new paradigm in the indoor climate controller world, based on people, and adapting to personal prophecies, the human being has to be the focus of the advances that seek to reach net zero because it is the humans who consume the energy.

Motivated people are the most powerful force in the world. ‘THERCOM’ is able to motivate people to reduce their energy consumption through competition, rewards, feedback, and other gamification concepts, utilising all the power of motivated people. With this in mind, the possible positive impacts of this project are immense.

Metaverse: Shaping the Future of Digital Realities


In recent times, the term “Metaverse” has become a resounding echo across the tech landscape, sparking widespread curiosity about the forthcoming frontier of digital reality. The Metaverse, at its core, is a collective virtual shared space, forged through the convergence of physical and virtual reality realms. It transcends the confines of traditional virtual reality, constituting an expansive, interconnected digital universe where users seamlessly engage with each other and digital environments in real-time. Picture a harmonious fusion of augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and the vast expanse of the internet, offering users an immersive experience to explore, create, and connect within a parallel digital world. The Metaverse beckons, inviting us to envision a reality where the boundaries between the physical and digital blur into an interconnected tapestry of endless possibilities.

Key Elements of the Metaverse:

Immersive Environments: Users can step into immersive, lifelike digital environments, blurring the lines between the physical and virtual realms.

Digital Identities: In the Metaverse, users can create and embody digital avatars, representing themselves in a virtual space. These avatars can be customised to reflect users’ preferences and personalities.

Social Interaction: One of the defining features of the Metaverse is the ability for users to interact with others in real-time. Whether attending virtual events, collaborating on projects, or simply socialising, the Metaverse fosters a sense of community.

Economic Opportunities: Just as in the physical world, the Metaverse offers economic opportunities. Users can buy, sell, and trade virtual assets, creating a new digital economy.

Potential Impact on Industries:

Gaming: The gaming industry is already a significant player in the Metaverse, providing immersive gaming experiences. As the Metaverse expands, gaming will likely become even more intertwined with social interaction and commerce.

Education: Imagine a virtual classroom where students from around the world can gather for interactive learning experiences. The Metaverse has the potential to revolutionise education, making it more accessible and engaging.

Business and Collaboration: In the Metaverse, businesses can host virtual meetings, conferences, and trade shows. Remote collaboration could take on a new dimension as teams work together in shared digital spaces.

Entertainment and Media: The entertainment industry can leverage the Metaverse for virtual concerts, film screenings, and interactive storytelling experiences, creating new forms of entertainment.

V-LAB Metaverse Office

At V-LAB, our Metaverse office stands as a virtual haven, meticulously designed with our distinctive logo. Aptly named the “futuristic office,” it’s a lifelike replica that allows participants to engage and deliver presentations in real-time. Those equipped with VR headsets can immerse themselves fully, while others using iPads or computer screens can seamlessly join via a provided link. Our Metaverse office has been the setting for various meetings, including the kickoff session for THERCOM, fostering connections and collaboration among team members spanning the globe. As we pioneer Metaverse usage, V-LAB underscores its commitment to the forefront of innovation and technology, showcasing the immense potential and future collaborations in this evolving digital landscape.

“In this dynamic landscape, where the digital and physical worlds intertwine, V-LAB stands ready to explore, adapt, and shape the future.” – Visahk Dudhee (Technical Manager)

Challenges and Considerations:

While the Metaverse holds immense promise, there are challenges to address, including privacy concerns, security issues, and the need for standardised protocols to ensure interoperability across platforms.

Conclusion: As we peer into the horizon of the Metaverse, envisioning a digital realm that intertwines with our physical existence, it’s essential to acknowledge the transformative potential it holds. At V-LAB, a forward-thinking entity at the intersection of technology and innovation, we recognise the profound impact the Metaverse can have on various industries.

In the realms of virtual experimentation and optimisation, V-LAB envisions a future where the Metaverse becomes an extension of our capabilities. Imagine scientists collaborating seamlessly across borders in virtual labs, engineers testing prototypes in shared digital spaces, or businesses optimising their operations within immersive environments.

As pioneers in cutting-edge solutions, V-LAB is poised to navigate the complexities and harness the opportunities that the Metaverse presents. Our commitment to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible aligns seamlessly with the spirit of the Metaverse—a space where creativity, collaboration, and innovation converge.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Ayesha Ikram
Communications Associate

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