Intuitive Thermal Comfort Controller

Guaranteeing an optimal level of thermal comfort can increase productivity and quality of life. ‘THERCOM’ project will facilitate the development of a new paradigm in indoor climate control to ensure optimal thermal comfort. The control development will focus on three characteristics: improving user experience, increasing energy efficiency and consistency with the technological revolution.

‘THERCOM’ will offer an innovative user experience by implementing intuitive interaction between the occupant and the controller. The controller will apply thermal comfort theory and, based on the European and UK standards, bring an improvement to the user experience. ‘THERCOM’ will be the first controller to directly relate to the user experience and the environment, providing consumers with a unique control. The controller will optimize the expediency of most of the room users: no other controller in the marker is able to adjust the setpoints to optimize the general thermal comfort level of the room.

Increasing energy efficiency is one of the principal objectives of our society to decrease the negative impacts on the environment. ‘THERCOM’ will generate the opportunity to increase thermal comfort and optimise energy consumption. Internet of Things offers for the first time in human history the opportunity to provide ‘intelligence’ to objects. The new technologies try to improve the human quality of life, and thermal comfort is one area with immense potential to apply ‘smart’ controllers. Using the theoretical knowledge of thermal comfort, empirical data, international standards, and innovative hardware, ‘THERCOM’ project seeks to create a new paradigm in the indoor climate controller world, based on people, and adapting to personal prophecies, the human being has to be the focus of the advances that seek to reach net zero because it is the humans who consume the energy.

Motivated people are the most powerful force in the world. ‘THERCOM’ is able to motivate people to reduce their energy consumption through competition, rewards, feedback, and other gamification concepts, utilising all the power of motivated people. With this in mind, the possible positive impacts of this project are immense.

Industry 5.0: The Human-Centric Technological Revolution


The industrial landscape has undergone significant transformations over the years, marked by advancements in technology and methodology. From the inception of Industry 1.0 during the late 18th century, driven by mechanisation and the steam engine, to the current era of Industry 4.0, characterised by automation, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things (IoT), industries have consistently adapted to new paradigms. Now, on the horizon, we find ourselves at the cusp of a new era – Industry 5.0.

A Brief Journey through Industrial Revolutions:

  • Industry 1.0 (1760s – 1840s): The first industrial revolution brought about mechanisation with the introduction of water and steam power, initiating a shift from agrarian societies to industrial ones. Innovations like the spinning jenny and the power loom transformed textile production, setting the stage for industrialisation.
  • Industry 2.0 (1870s – 1914): The second revolution saw the advent of mass production using electricity and assembly lines, enhancing efficiency and productivity. Henry Ford’s assembly line techniques in the early 20th century revolutionised automotive manufacturing, making cars more accessible to the masses.
  • Industry 3.0 (1970s – 2000s): The third revolution emerged in the late 20th century, embracing automation and computerisation, leading to increased connectivity and the birth of digital systems. The widespread use of computers, programmable logic controllers (PLCs), and early robotics defined this era, streamlining industrial processes.
  • Industry 4.0 (2010s – present): The fourth Industrial revolution is synonymous with the integration of smart technologies, data analytics, and IoT, fostering the rise of smart factories and autonomous systems. This era has witnessed the proliferation of cyber-physical systems, cloud computing, and advanced analytics, enabling real-time decision-making and predictive maintenance.
  • Industry 5.0 (2020s – present): The fifth Industrial revolution represents a paradigm shift from its predecessors by placing humans at the centre of manufacturing processes. It seeks to harmonise the strengths of both machines and humans, fostering collaboration and synergy in the production environment. Unlike the fully automated systems of Industry 4.0, Industry 5.0 emphasises the importance of human intuition, creativity, and decision-making.

Advantages of Industry 5.0:

  • Human-Centric Approach: By prioritising human involvement, Industry 5.0 aims to create a more flexible and responsive manufacturing ecosystem.
  • Customisation and Flexibility: The integration of human skills allows for increased customisation and adaptability in manufacturing processes, catering to individualised customer needs.
  • Enhanced Innovation: Human creativity and intuition contribute to heightened innovation, pushing the boundaries of what is achievable in manufacturing.

Industry 5.0 Facilitating the World Today:

In the present day, Industry 5.0 is facilitating the world by fostering a more collaborative and inventive manufacturing environment. The integration of human skills with advanced technologies ensures not only efficient production processes but also sustainable and responsive manufacturing practices.

V-LAB: Pioneering Industry 5.0:

In the realm of Industry 5.0, V-LAB stands at the forefront, leveraging cutting-edge technologies like IoT, artificial intelligence, extended reality, BIM, and digital twins to drive innovation and transformation. With a focus on seamlessly blending human expertise with technological advancements, V-LAB’s solutions are designed to optimise processes, enhance creativity, and ensure sustainable and efficient utilisation of smart systems.

As champions of a human-centric approach, V-LAB pioneers a new industrial era where the synergy between human capabilities and machine advancements creates a harmonious and inventive environment. Stepping into the future, Industry 5.0, led by V-LAB, holds the transformative power to redefine our perceptions and interactions with technology, shaping a sustainable and progressive future.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Ayesha Ikram
Communications Associate

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